At some point you’ve probably heard the terms, ‘she’s out of his league’ and ‘he’s punching above his weight’. Heck, you may have thought it yourself about a friend or…
Online Dating vs Traditional Dating AKA Online Dating vs Offline Dating As a relationships correspondent® and dating correspondent®, I’ve been travelling and interviewing people about relationships and dating, to get…
Talking positively to ourselves and others reaps major rewards but whilst we need to choose our words wisely and show love and appreciation, for a happy, healthy relationship to exist,…
Below are love quotes to help you, whether you’re searching for true love, are already in love, or are working out whether your current lover is ‘the one’. 22…
‘Ghosting’ and ‘breadcrumbing’ in a dating context tells you a lot about the person doing it. It’s an (almost) immediate snapshot into their character and integrity, if you are being…
Emotionally healing yourself isn’t easy. We all find ourselves having to heal sometimes. Maybe because of: a break-up, a divorce, a death, the loss of a career, the loss of…
11 Rules for Happiness For A Happier You And To Make Those Around You Happier Too Apply these to your life every day for four weeks, and see what…
How do you know if you really ‘click’ with someone? Relationships are central to everything we do, so how do we save time and protect ourselves from negative repercussions, by…
It’s time for repair. Our brains have taken a battering and it’s time to unravel the damage done to us by restrictions and fear induction. It’s time for us to…
Imagine a year of you. A year of telling the saboteurs to disappear, and real friends to come near. Imagine a year of you. A year where you choose to…