Anxiety Coach, Sam OwenHello and thank you for being here. My name is Sam Owen, I am known for helping my coaching clients to achieve big changes, quickly. Below you’ll find information about:

  • typical client challenges I help anxiety coaching clients with,
  • what you’ll achieve with anxiety coaching,
  • what you can expect from the coaching environment,
  • and next steps to get started.


Anxiety – Typical Client Challenges

Anxiety.  Social Anxiety.  Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD).  Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).  Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD).  Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).  Had Anxiety For Months Or Decades. Worry.  Palpitations.  Chest Pain.  Shaking/Trembling.  Muscular Pain.  Gastrointestinal Problems.  Brain Fog.  Difficulty Concentrating.  Repetitive Negative Thoughts.  Psychological Abuse.  Physical Abuse.  Trauma.  Substance Abuse.  Relationship Problems.  Feeling Disconnected From Others/Reality.  Incapacitated By Your Anxiety.  Self-Harm.  Self-Sabotage.  Feeling Worthless.  On Anxiolytic Medication.  Had Unsuccessful Counselling/Therapy.  Lacking Inner Peace.  Struggling Self-Esteem.  Lacking Confidence.


What You’ll Achieve With Anxiety Coaching

Resolve your anxiety/anxiety disorder.  Feel connected to others/reality.  Complete absence of physical and psychological symptoms.  Life feels ‘back to normal’.  Life feels good for the first time ever.  Happy, healthy relationships.  Less relationship conflict.  Own your worth.  Feel excited about life.  Feel optimistic.  Self-care.  Self-love.  Happiness.  Inner peace.  Have healthy self-esteem.  Feel confident.  Pursue and achieve goals.


What To Expect From The Anxiety Coaching Environment

A strictly confidential, compassionate, safe, relaxed, non-judgmental, positive, empowering environment, where it’s your agenda, always. Testimonials here.

Most anxiety coaching clients need 1-3 sessions. PTSD and CPTSD clients may require more but these may be spaced apart by months when you feel you need to reconnect for some additional support further along in your journey.

Experience a psychological, solution-focused, goal-focused approach to help you achieve quick and lasting results, using my tried and tested anxiety-resolving system that works every time which combines:

  • scientific research,
  • counselling skills,
  • coaching techniques,
  • intuitive insights,
  • expertise.


Next Steps

1. Purchase a Skype video or face-to-face coaching package (links below).

2. I’ll get in touch to arrange your first session date and time, and then email you a Welcome Pack which includes a pre-coaching questionnaire and an easy guide on how to get the most out of coaching.

3. Complete and return your questionnaire via email at least 24 hours before the session date/time we’ve arranged.

4. Attend the session, steer the conversation, I will help along the way by asking skilful questions, sharing expert and intuitive insights for your situation, and suggesting exercises that will help you to make quick progress and achieve your goals.

5. In between sessions, you’ll spend time thinking and undertaking those simple exercises, and only those you’ve happily agreed to. They’re usually easy, and sometimes fun, too!

And then watch your life change for the better, usually after the first or second session. 🙂


Get Started – Book Anxiety Coaching Now

Book Skype Video Coaching (Worldwide)   Book Face-to-Face Coaching (M2/M3, Mcr)

Skype 9am–7pm, Face-to-Face 9am–5pm, Tuesdays–Fridays | Address in Welcome Pack | Age 16 years +


A Bit About Me

I love helping people and I’ve been coaching clients in my private practice for over 12.5 years. I frequently work as a relationship expert and psychologist for big brands and media, and am the published author of these popular self-help books on relationships and mental health: Resilient Me; Anxiety Free; Happy Relationships.

I’ve coached various titles including, CEO’s, managing directors, small business owners, doctors, veterinarians, corporate executives, ex-athletes, a renowned scientist, solicitors, nurses, police staff, HR professionals, housewives, and counsellors.

I’ve worked with clients all over the globe including in the UK, mainland Europe, America, the Middle East, Asia, and Africa.


Get Started

Book your anxiety coaching sessions now and I will be in touch to arrange your first session:

Book Skype Video Coaching (Worldwide)   Book Face-to-Face Coaching (M2/M3, Mcr)

Skype 9am–7pm, Face-to-Face 9am–5pm, Tuesdays–Fridays | Address in Welcome Pack | Age 16 years +

Anxiety Coach

Resolve Your Anxiety Completely

Achieve quick and lasting change

Book Skype Video Coaching (Worldwide)
Book Face-to-Face Coaching (M2/M3, Mcr)

A Small Selection Of Client Testimonials

Coaching Client:

‘I found Sam after seeing a few therapists for feelings of anxiety. I found her approach to be both supportive and directive in terms of the guidance she gave me. I felt comforted and respected whilst Sam challenged my limiting beliefs and helped me see things differently. I feel great, much more able to move forward with my life. I would recommend Sam to anyone looking for a logic based, down to earth approach to solving an issue or improving a situation. Thanks again Sam!’

Coaching Client:

‘I found Sam’s details a while back online – I made initial contact and then changed my mind, something then made me get back in touch. Choosing to work with Sam is one of the best decisions I have ever made. Each session with Sam was enjoyable and felt like a chat… was what happened in the days after each session where I noticed real changes starting to happen (and the effect still continues now!). I still can’t put my finger on it – all I can say is that the things I contacted Sam for have now began to fade away. Thanks Sam – you’re one very smart lady and definitely know your stuff!’

Coaching Client:

‘I really cannot thank you enough for the sessions, they have turned my life around in a way I never expected, and as you say on the site I will take so much away from them for life!’

A Few Of The Brands I’ve Shared Expertise With