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Tip 3 For Good Mental Health During Self-isolation & Social Distancing

By March 27, 2020Blog
video chatting

Now for the third instalment of tips for good mental health during self-isolation and social distancing…

Tip 3: Connect with loved ones

People are powerful. They can empower us or disempower us; raise or lower our self-worth, make us feel appreciated or unappreciated; feel safe (emotionally, physically, financially) or unsafe; and they can intentionally care for us or intentionally hurt us. People are very powerful.

In fact, a wealth of research highlights that people with good-quality, close relationships and those who feel well connected with other human beings are happier, physically healthier and live longer. [1] On the flip side, negative relationships can damage our health and that feeling lonely can actually shorten our lifespan. [2]

Research into happiness building strategies that work also highlights that one of four key activities that build our happiness is socialising. [3] But not all social contact is equal. Research suggests that social media can positively impact our well-being when we are seeking to feel connected to other human beings but face-to-face communication both enhances our well-being when we want to feel connected to other humans and helps when we want to avoid social isolation. [4]

So video chatting on platforms such as Skype or WhatsApp are better ways to feel connected during the coronavirus outbreak than simply ‘liking’ and posting on social media. Face-to-face connection matters to us.

Use human connection with the people you have positive relationships with in your life, both when you are feeling low, and as a way of maintaining resilience and well-being day-to-day. It significantly helps.

Plus, remember to make the time you spend connecting, quality time that boosts one another’s self-esteem, confidence, resilience, mental health and happiness. And remember to connect frequently, with phone calls, texts and video chat.

Lots of love, Sam xx


In this series: Tip 1, Tip 2, Tip 3, Tip 4, and Tip 5 For Good Mental Health During Self-isolation & Social Distancing



1, 2: Happy Relationships: 7 simple rules to create harmony and growth

3: Resilient Me: How to worry less and achieve more

4: Anxiety Free: How to trust yourself and feel calm