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‘Resilient Me: How to Worry Less and Achieve More; 4 Weeks to Inner Strength’

By September 6, 2017Blog
resilience books - resilient me

I’m so excited to annouce that I have three books coming out with Orion Publishing and the first one, Resilient Me, is out November 2nd 2017 and available to pre-order now (paperback/Kindle). I think you’re going to love and achieve great things for yourself as a result.

Have a fantastic Christmas and get ready for a fruitful new year!

Resilient Me shows you how to maintain relentless resilience in the face of life’s obstacles and challenges so that you can achieve your goals with much more speed and ease, whether those goals are to do with your relationships, career, health or well-being. There is also a four-week plan included so that you can become resilient in just four weeks.

I answer more questions about the book in this book trailer below.

Pre-order now for yourself or a friend, for an energising end to 2017 and a fruitful 2018 and beyond: PRE-ORDER HERE!