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Relationship Coaching, Life Coaching and Family Law

By April 25, 2012Blog

When families hit troubled waters there is a massive upheaval of emotions.  Often, the life you once had is now but a mere distant memory.  The love has withered and been replaced with the weeds of self-doubt, hatred, hurt, and just down-right discontentment.

Couples going through divorce or separation would rather not have the inevitable discomfort of having to sort through their finances, assets, custody rights and the like, but it is an unavoidable consequence of deciding to go your separate ways.

Speak to a family law solicitor and he/she will tell you that the client will sometimes need help in gaining clarity.  Clarity on what they really want out of the divorce and clarity on where their new life is headed.

Relationship coaching can help people in the froes of divorce, separation, child custody battles and domestic abuse.  How?  Relationship coaching, an effective alternative to relationship counselling, can provide:

  • A place for mediation.
  • A place where you can thrash out your concerns, your issues, your thoughts and your feelings.
  • A place where you can all be heard, whether you attend relationship coaching alone, as a couple or as a family.
  • A place where you can speak to someone in the strictest of confidence because you don’t want to talk to your friends and family about all your personal issues, or you simply can’t.
  • A place for you to explore what’s really important to you, for you and for your family.
  • A place where you can explore how you are going to move on with your new life in terms of your career, your social life, your dating life, or simply, your life as a newly divorced or separated person.

The changes are inevitable.  You once shared your finances, social circle, household duties, child care and various other things.  Now you are embarking on a new journey.

Get yourself some help if you need it.  Don’t be ashamed of seeking the help of a relationship coach / life coach.  On the contrary, coaching is a pro-active way to pursue your aims and objectives, whether they are a fair divorce settlement or an amicable separation for you and for the children you may have.

Seeking a coach is something to take pride in as it is proof that you are taking responsibility for your own life.

Of course, once you’ve heard what your inner voice is saying and fully heard each other, you are likely to spend less time in the legal process, go through less heartache and be able to get on with living your life again.

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