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How Much Does Relationship Or Marriage Counselling Cost?

By January 3, 2013Blog
Couples and marriage counselling

In this day and age, we are so used to scanning the web for the best price, reviews and what not, that it’s inevitable that you should ask this question on the internet before embarking on the road to a successful marriage.

The answer to this is a varied one because at the end of the day, there are so many different people offering relationship counselling and marriage counselling, and now life coaches offering relationship coaching, too, and each of them work in different ways.  Some counsellors, therapists and coaches work online only, odd as it may seem.  Some work with clients purely over the telephone, a trend that has picked up in recent years.  Then there are the relationship counsellors and therapists and relationship coaches that work from home or from their practice.

Those with fewer overheads either charge their clients less or pocket the greater profit themselves.  Then, of course, there is that factor that we can never get away from.  Namely, that you get what you pay for, to some extent.

So in answer to your question, you need to determine which method suits you best, phone, email, video chat or face-to-face relationship help, someone’s home office or their practice, and the qualities that they bring to the table.

How much you pay for marriage counselling or marriage coaching – per session or in total?

Most counsellors and therapists that meet clients face-to-face tend to charge on average £40-£150 per counselling hour (50 mins) whilst life coaches and relationship coaches will normally charge a little higher per session.

However, once you do the maths, you realise that life coaches tend to work for a (much) shorter period of time with their clients – in order for the clients to achieve their marriage goals – than most counsellors and therapists do. This means that in the long run, you’ll often pay less with a coach than with a therapist or counsellor whilst fixing your marriage.

The reason for this is that coaching is a very proactive, solution focused process that helps clients to understand and deal with their presenting and hidden issues and find solutions and take action on the solutions so that they improve their marriage within a relatively short space of time.

If you want to fix your marriage problems, you want to do it quickly rather than slowly, right? Of course you do.  The way you do that is by being reflective, committed and proactive during the process.  This is a natural part of the coaching process.

Counselling can be great for people who are not ready to move from where they are right now. Coaching is awesome for those who are ready to move away from their current unsatisfactory relationship towards a happy, healthy, successful marriage.

So let’s use an example, but first let’s note that traditional therapy tends to last for many months or even years, and the sessions can be weekly or every two weeks.


♥ You work with a counsellor/therapist for 30 sessions to fix your marriage.

  • Each one hour (or 50 mins) session is £60.
  • In total you will have paid for £1,800.

♥ You work with a coach for 8 sessions to fix your marriage (usually less in my case).

  • Each one hour (or 50 mins) session is £120.
  • In total you will have paid for £960.

That’s a huge difference in the total price you’d pay and a huge difference in time commitment. Plus you achieve a happier, healthier relationship sooner. Who doesn’t want that!

Of course, every professional is different and every client is different.  Some clients work harder than others, and each client has a different situation.  Therefore, there is no clear cut answer but as long as you find a credible professional and one that you instantly feel you would like to work with, then you’re half the way there.

Don’t let the price per session put you off because an amazing marriage counsellor or coach will help you to turn your marriage, and thus life, around, and there is really no price you can put on the happiness and positive repercussions you will experience, once you have fixed your marriage and have a wonderful home life.

It goes without saying, investing in professional marriage counselling or coaching to fix your marriage is way cheaper than going through divorce and living a life where you now pay for your home and bills alone, but your health and happiness is more important than any amount of money. So if the marriage counselling or marriage coaching teaches you that you would be happier and healthier by ending this relationship (and this may be something you are already questioning) then those sessions will be worth it in that case too.

Either way, progress always feels good. And you are in charge of that.

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