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44 Quotes From The Book ‘Anxiety Free: How To Trust Yourself And Feel Calm’

By September 23, 2024Blog
Anxiety Free book quotes by Sam Owen

4 Weeks To Inner Peace

In Anxiety Free: How To Trust Yourself And Feel Calm (‘4 Weeks To Inner Peace’) I share my tried and tested system that will help you to completely resolve your anxiety each time it shows up in your life as the survival mechanism that it is.

The book contains an easy-to-follow system that you can tailor to your personal situation no matter how long you have suffered from anxiety. Included are client case studies and lots of exercises to help you on your journey, 26 exercises to be exact.

But the really fun part – the book is jam-packed with research studies shared in an easy to digest format that shows you the power of your brain and body, and how to use them to resolve your anxiety completely. There are 186 references in Anxiety Free, almost all of which are for scientific studies included within, but they are effortlessly woven into the book for an easy journey for you, the reader.

Those studies are fascinating and insightful and you should enjoy them as you read this page-turner, so rather than share much of that here, instead, below are some book quotes (with just a few references to research) for you to utilise in your day-to-day life.

So, without further ado, here are some Anxiety Free quotes to help you.


Anxiety Free Book Quotes


‘Anxiety is just our brain’s way of trying to keep us alive and well; it is simply, and fortunately, one of our many in-built survival mechanisms. Just as we feel pain when we burn our skin which tells us to move away from the cause of the pain, we experience anxiety when the brain perceives a threat to our well-being and is telling us to prevent or extinguish the threat/danger!’

Sam Owen ~ Anxiety Free



‘A statistical review of 203 studies from twenty-nine countries in six continents left researchers concluding that mental health disorders, including anxiety and depression, resulted in a lifespan that was ten years shorter on average compared with their mentally healthy counterparts.’

Sam Owen ~ Anxiety Free



‘Thoughts are powerful, they change our emotions and behaviours and what we pay attention to; you must keep that in mind when you are problem-solving anything in life.’

Sam Owen ~ Anxiety Free



‘Intuition is your ability to understand or know something instinctively, without conscious reasoning. It allows you to access information that your brain and body know subconsciously that you don’t yet know consciously.’

Sam Owen ~ Anxiety Free



‘Self-awareness is daily natural self-help.’

Sam Owen ~ Anxiety Free



‘Your self-image, because it’s how you view yourself, can either serve you or sabotage you. It impacts what happens in your life because it determines what you are willing to try, what you think is possible, what you actually do and how all of that makes you feel about you.’

Sam Owen ~ Anxiety Free



‘A core mental well-being skill is to nourish positive relationships so that you maintain them and their health- and survival-serving effects and prune away negative relationships so that you eliminate them and their health and survival-sabotaging effects.’

Sam Owen ~ Anxiety Free



‘Taking small steps to see what you can find out usually feels way better than you expect it to and progress always feel good.’

Sam Owen ~ Anxiety Free



‘In research on financial traders working the stock markets on a London trading floor, it was found that those working the stock markets were better able to detect their heartbeats than those who did not work in trading. Furthermore, this interoceptive ability in traders predicted their profitability and even how long they survived in the financial markets.’

Sam Owen ~ Anxiety Free



‘We can change the structure and function of our brain by how we habitually use it, which is how people end up with things like generalised anxiety disorder, phobias, obsessive compulsive disorder and social anxiety disorder.’

Sam Owen ~ Anxiety Free



‘Our self-image is how we view ourselves – our abilities, appearance, personality, identity (e.g. racial, cultural, sexual) – and is influenced by how we treat ourselves, how we allow others to treat us, what we think and what we do.’

Sam Owen ~ Anxiety Free



‘Relationships are a lifeline. People who have social networks (family, friends, community) are happier, physically healthier and live longer than less well-connected people, whilst people who feel lonely are less happy, tend to have declining health sooner (in midlife) and die younger than people who are not lonely.’

Sam Owen ~ Anxiety Free



‘Always being busy is not the sign of a winner, it’s the sign of your life being out of balance.’

Sam Owen ~ Anxiety Free



‘Never feel guilty about taking a little time out to regulate your emotions and/or reenergise; it’s the only way you can be there for others, be happy within yourself and achieve your goals to the best of your ability.’

Sam Owen ~ Anxiety Free



‘Research into the effects of sleep disturbance in people with anxiety and depressive disorders also suggests sleep disturbance may play a role in emotion dysregulation.’

Sam Owen ~ Anxiety Free



‘Sounds and scenes of nature can help you to lower your heart rate and blood pressure, feel less pain and require fewer pain relief drugs, give you more energy, positive emotions and satisfaction, and increase your attention and improve your working memory.’

Sam Owen ~ Anxiety Free



‘You’re not helping your brain if you stick to those drugs long term, you are only distracting yourself or allowing something else to take over its job roles.’

Sam Owen ~ Anxiety Free



‘Research finds that positive self-talk moves us in the direction of our goals when it is focused on desired emotions, behaviours and outcomes/goals.’

Sam Owen ~ Anxiety Free



‘When you create a life to fit who you are deep inside, your relationships, career, hobbies, etc., you make the right decisions for you and life feels good.’

Sam Owen ~ Anxiety Free



‘Automating things your brain knows how to do is your brain’s way of conserving energy but it doesn’t take into account whether it is a good habit or a bad habit; whether it is serving you or sabotaging you, your brain is simply trying to work efficiently.’

Sam Owen ~ Anxiety Free



‘Habits can be hypnotising!’

Sam Owen ~ Anxiety Free



‘This physiological synchronisation between two different people who have a social bond demonstrates our emotional connectedness with others, deep inside, whether we are connected via an electromagnetic energy field or via some other means.’

Sam Owen ~ Anxiety Free



‘There is another form of communication taking place that is unseen and unheard.’

Sam Owen ~ Anxiety Free



‘The study revealed that our close relationships matter more to our happiness and longevity than money, fame, social class, IQ, or even genes.’

Sam Owen ~ Anxiety Free



‘A review of research highlights how stress impacts the composition of gut bacteria and this is turn influences the central nervous system and our brain–body response to stress.’

Sam Owen ~ Anxiety Free



‘Rumination doesn’t solve anything, reflection and introspection can solve all.’

Sam Owen ~ Anxiety Free



‘You know how some days you can agonise and worry over an issue for hours and yet after a good night’s sleep you wake up feeling calm and self-assured? Well, there’s a reason for that. Just one night’s sleep deprivation impairs the functioning of the amygdala, which results in poorer memory consolidation the next day and a continuing negative reaction to a stressful situation (e.g. an ongoing worry).’

Sam Owen ~ Anxiety Free



‘A review of research looking at the effects of music on anxiety in healthy individuals, i.e. non clinically anxious people, revealed that listening to music can affect our blood pressure, cortisol level and heart rate.’

Sam Owen ~ Anxiety Free



‘Regulating your emotions at will is one of the most important life skills you can hone because it allows you to maintain resilience and take charge of your life, immediately and in the long term.’

Sam Owen ~ Anxiety Free



‘Your brain is paying attention to how you treat yourself.’

Sam Owen ~ Anxiety Free



‘Don’t let some people’s blasé attitude towards human relationships in the modern world fool you into thinking that humans are dispensable, that family and friends are dispensable, that marriages are dispensable. They are not and they never will be. Good people are your key to sanity. Good people are your survival.’

Sam Owen ~ Anxiety Free



‘There is a huge amount of calculating and evaluating going on inside your brain and body that you don’t get to see but intuition lets you take a sneak peak.’

Sam Owen ~ Anxiety Free



‘Anxiety in moderation is a good thing, it helps ensure we survive and thrive in line with our goals – our survival goals and our life goals – whether those goals are, for example, to be happy, healthy, have a successful career, keep a roof over our head, retain self-respect, or find someone to spend our life with.’

Sam Owen ~ Anxiety Free



‘People with high HRV [heart rate variability] (more variance in beat-to-beat changes) have a better ability to switch between different responses (stay calm, take action) in stressful situations while research has shown a relationship between low HRV and worsening depression or anxiety.’

Sam Owen ~ Anxiety Free



‘In one study, it was found that listening to relaxing music prior to a stressful event resulted in faster autonomic recovery after the stress compared to not listening to any music.’

Sam Owen ~ Anxiety Free



‘In a study on 1,538 people, those who made long visits to green spaces had lower rates of depression and high blood pressure compared with those that didn’t, and felt a greater sense of belonging (within society).137 The data suggested that a dose of at least thirty minutes of green space immersion can result in up to a seven per cent decrease in the prevalence of depression and up to nine per cent for high blood pressure.’

Sam Owen ~ Anxiety Free



‘Dancing also helps the brain to reap benefits similar to those we reap from physical exercise, such as a release of pain-reducing endorphins which make us feel happier, memory improvement and strengthened neuronal connections in the brain, which help us to learn and retain skills, as well as exercising several brain regions at once.’

Sam Owen ~ Anxiety Free



‘Words are like instructions to the brain and work a bit like a Google search; the results you get are linked to what you focus it on.’

Sam Owen ~ Anxiety Free



‘Because intuition works so fast and so accurately, it makes it easy for people to reject their intuition as silly guess work or even paranoia when in reality that is one of your in-built well-being and survival tools at your disposal.’

Sam Owen ~ Anxiety Free



‘Self-compassionate people make warmer, more considerate and more affectionate partners, whilst people lacking self-compassion make detached and self-critical partners who ruminate on negative feelings about themselves.’

Sam Owen ~ Anxiety Free



‘Always welcome mistakes and failures as learning curves and stepping stones that are directing you towards inner peace and calm.’

Sam Owen ~ Anxiety Free



‘Anxiolytic medication, also known as minor tranquillizers, can help soothe symptoms but not the underlying cause of your anxiety…because they are tranquilizers. Also, a 2014 study, looking at 34,727 patients who had received at least two prescriptions for an anxiolytic or hypnotic drug between January 1998 and December 2001, found that after an average of 7.6 years since their first prescription, they were at double the risk of death from any cause compared with the 69,418 patients with no prescriptions for such drugs!’

Sam Owen ~ Anxiety Free



‘Interestingly, talking therapies have been shown to be effective in treating most mental disorders including anxiety disorders, likely because it results in new learning and new habits and, therefore, changes the brain’s structure and functioning.’

Sam Owen ~ Anxiety Free



‘Either way, whether your anxiety is self-generated or externally-generated or both, your brain still needs to sound the alarm – and thank goodness it does! It’s essentially telling you: “Warning, something is sabotaging or might sabotage your goals, health, happiness and survival – find it, fix it!’ to which your mental response should be, “Gee, thanks, I’m on it!”‘

Sam Owen ~ Anxiety Free



You can buy the book from all major bookstores and here is a link to the paperback, Kindle and audiobook on Amazon.

If you’d prefer one-on-one coaching for trauma-related healing, or for any other anxiety issues or anxiety disorders, take a look at my relationship coaching and/or anxiety coaching page and book in some coaching sessions if you’re ready to change your life for good.