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12 Steps To Improve Your Marriage and Why!

By March 26, 2013Blog
prevent divorce

When I decided to put this seminar on – ‘12 Steps To Improve Your Marriage, For Good’ – I did so for a number of reasons…

Just like coaching, one partner can come alone to improve their marriage, just as some coaching clients do.  By taking control over the part you play, you automatically affect change in the relationship.  If your partner needs to babysit the kids or doesn’t want to attend, then it’s okay!  You can still improve, or fix, your marriage.  I will show you how as I do my coaching clients.

Just because you are content, doesn’t mean you don’t want to be even happier in your marriage.  We can always improve our relationships and our lives to become incredibly happy.  Every relationship has lows, this is how you significantly minimise them.

It’s a great way for people to come along and get some fantastic information that I know works and will work for them.  Enough said.  🙂

It doesn’t take as much of an investment, time or money, as personal coaching.  Though, my clients will tell you what an incredible investment it has been for them, some of them wishing that they’d come to me sooner.  Hey ho, that’s life, they eventually did take action, that’s the important thing!  This is another way to take action, now.

Husbands-and-brides-to-be can understand what it takes to create a successful, lifelong marriage.  It’s not rocket science, but divorce rates would suggest that people either get into marriage with the wrong mindset or for the wrong reasons.

To help people prevent divorce and prevent broken homes.  It’s entirely possible that my coaching clients would end up down the divorce route if they didn’t take the bull by the horns and set about making their lives and relationships better…with a little help from me, too.

To decrease divorce rates on the whole because deep down, most people want to be married, once, and be super happy within their marriage for life!  Society tells us that it’s fine to just get divorced, that it’s fine to just have polygamous relationships instead, and that it’s fine to just co-habit, but those messages are missing one vital fact.  MOST of us don’t want to have okay relationships and lives.  Deep down (as much as we may sell ourselves short) we want to:

  • have a super happy marriage where we feel relaxed on a daily basis,
  • have mental, physical and financial security,
  • have a spouse who will always be there to help raise children with,
  • have a best friend when times are tough, and
  • have someone who loves us deeply and meant it when they said, ‘til death parts us.

To help people.  To watch my clients become more than happy, to have a bounce in their step, and see the big smiles upon their faces, is euphoric.  To be able to touch more lives in that way, via a seminar, is incredibly exciting!

When people fix their relationships at home, they perform better at work.  By helping people improve their relationship with their partner, I know I am actually helping them with so much more.  Their careers and businesses, their health, their children, their extended family and friends, and every neighbour, colleague and community member that their happiness impacts.

So, do YOU want more?  Then, take action now.  Book your place now.


(Please share this with others you think it might help.  Thank you.)

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