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3 Reasons Why Affirmations & Positive Self-Talk, Work (Video)

By January 15, 2014Blog
How and Why Affirmtations and Self-Talk Work

The use of affirmations and positive self-talk is frequently touted by the self-development industry.  However, I find that whilst a lot of people (including my clients) may have heard of their use, they usually don’t know why it’s deemed so important in the pursuit of achieving goals.  

Many of us hear about affirmations most when we read about the Law of Attraction theory; I think this can often confuse the matter further for people who are fairly new to the notion of implementing purposeful self-talk.

Rather than a simple understanding of just how and why programming our mind for success is so pivotal in the attainment of our goals, there seems to be a belief that by merely uttering those statements, those things will turn up in our life.  Perhaps this is the case but as we don’t have enough research to support this notion just yet, we’ll address three other reasons you should use affirmations and positive self talk to help you to feel happy, in control and ultimately achieve your goals.

So, for now, watch this vlog (video blog) I recently put together to share three reasons why affirmations and positive self-talk work because as Jim Rohn once said, “Affirmation without discipline is the beginning of delusion.”

Join the discussion 2 Comments

  • Debra says:

    Hi Sam. This is all so true. Remember when I came to you, so unhappy: “I’m bored and I’m boring.” No longer! Affirmations have helped me change this by focusing my brain on what I want to achieve. I am much more aware of opportunities to help move me towards my goals and I know I am creating them too. Reminders to say my affirmations ping up on my phone in the morning at before I go to sleep; they really are a valuable tool. See you soon x

  • Sam Owen says:

    Thanks so much for the comment! You are on the most incredible journey and simply because you work hard during the sessions and between the sessions, and trust the process will work if you work it. You are a perfect example of what can be achieved if you treat coaching as the life-changing journey it is! See you soon! x