Anxiety Free and my 5 top tips in Runner’s World magazine in the May 2019 issue.
View this post on Instagram ‘Anxiety Free’ and my 5 top tips in @runnersworlduk in the current issue (May 2019) in stores now 😍. Here is the more detailed answer I gave to help you with this or any goal you want to pursue whilst all the while maintaining the support and well-being of your partner: The person with the new hobby should (i) express sincere acknowledgement and gratitude for the support their partner is giving considering research shows a supportive partner helps us to purse personal growth goals more, (ii) share some details so as to somewhat include their partner in their new hobby, (iii) create shared goals with their partner so that the couple simultaneously retain a focus on their life together (his can be as simple as dining out or a trip to the park during training, or a weekend away after the marathon), (iv) encourage their partner to make time for socialising or a hobby of their own as both socialising with people and indulging hobbies are research-backed happiness-boosting activities, and (v) be present when they are with their partner so that they don’t feel like second best or an after thought. If you are suffering from anxiety or depression, also let your partner know that research finds regular cardio exercise can be effective in soothing anxiety symptoms and when done for 12 weeks, can be as effective in alleviating depression as antidepressants can. Anxiety Free: How to trust yourself and feel (4 weeks to inner peace) Paperback, Kindle, Audiobook: (link in bio) #AnxietyFree #runnersworld #running #runners #marathon #marathontraining #fitness #mentalfitness #physicalfitness #mentalhealth #wellbeing #physicalhealth #anxiety #calm #relationships #goals #anxietyauthor #relationshipcoach #relationshipexpert #tvexpert #tvpsychologist #bbccontributor #Mancunian A post shared by Sam Owen (@samowencoaching) on Apr 11, 2019 at 4:32am PDT
‘Anxiety Free’ and my 5 top tips in @runnersworlduk in the current issue (May 2019) in stores now 😍. Here is the more detailed answer I gave to help you with this or any goal you want to pursue whilst all the while maintaining the support and well-being of your partner: The person with the new hobby should (i) express sincere acknowledgement and gratitude for the support their partner is giving considering research shows a supportive partner helps us to purse personal growth goals more, (ii) share some details so as to somewhat include their partner in their new hobby, (iii) create shared goals with their partner so that the couple simultaneously retain a focus on their life together (his can be as simple as dining out or a trip to the park during training, or a weekend away after the marathon), (iv) encourage their partner to make time for socialising or a hobby of their own as both socialising with people and indulging hobbies are research-backed happiness-boosting activities, and (v) be present when they are with their partner so that they don’t feel like second best or an after thought. If you are suffering from anxiety or depression, also let your partner know that research finds regular cardio exercise can be effective in soothing anxiety symptoms and when done for 12 weeks, can be as effective in alleviating depression as antidepressants can. Anxiety Free: How to trust yourself and feel (4 weeks to inner peace) Paperback, Kindle, Audiobook: (link in bio) #AnxietyFree #runnersworld #running #runners #marathon #marathontraining #fitness #mentalfitness #physicalfitness #mentalhealth #wellbeing #physicalhealth #anxiety #calm #relationships #goals #anxietyauthor #relationshipcoach #relationshipexpert #tvexpert #tvpsychologist #bbccontributor #Mancunian
A post shared by Sam Owen (@samowencoaching) on Apr 11, 2019 at 4:32am PDT