Six month residency as Elite Singles’ partner psychologist, beginning August 2014. The role entails giving psychological insights, answering questions and providing relationship advice and dating advice for their media related exposure and to help their client base find lasting love.
Elite Singles is Affinitas GmbH’s brand name for their online dating site in their six English speaking markets – UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and South Africa. They are known in 25 non-English speaking countries as eDarling. In some instances, my comments are translated to other languages for eDarling.
Elite Singles cater to “intelligent, interesting…singles who are serious about looking for a long-term commitment with a like-minded partner and who want a secure, supportive and efficient way to search for long-lasting love.”
Here is an interview published in their UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and South Africa magazines, introducing me as their partner psychologist.
A Small Selection of Elite Singles work published thus far
Over 50 dating: 5 tips for getting back on your feet (UK)
L’amore non ha età: quello maturo è più consapevole (Italy)
Mature dating: starting a new chapter (Canada)
Does the one exist and can they really complete you? (Ireland)
Elle magazine (Russia)
Single at Thanksgiving? Here’s how to enjoy the holidays (Canada)
5 Things a Smile Will Do For Your Sex Life (Australia)
How smiling can improve your sex life (New Zealand)
Smile…it’s good for your love life (South Africa)
Vijf manieren waarop een glimlach jouw singleleven een boost kan geven (Netherlands)
Úsmev – prospieva Vám aj Vášmu sexuálnemu životu (Slovakia)
Single at Thanksgiving? Here’s how to enjoy the holidays (Canada)