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Missing Body Language Cues Speak So Loudly

By May 27, 2015Blog
missing body language cues

Missing Body Language Cues Speak Volumes – Are You Listening?

It’s often the verbal and non-verbal communication that is missing that tells us much more about what’s in a person’s heart and mind. When we use this information we can build up a fairly detailed picture of a person’s personality and intentions.

In most situations you know what an appropriate response should look, sound and feel like.

  • When body language cues that should be present are missing we can learn where we stand in a relationship with someone. If we ignore those cues, we can be ignoring our own happiness and disregarding our own self-worth.
  • When body language cues that should be present are missing we can stop wasting our time with people who are not being genuine.
  • When body language cues that should be present are missing we can learn what we need to do to take a relationship from where it is to where we want it to be.
  • When body language cues that should be present are missing we can learn about some of the mistakes we have made and start implementing the necessary changes.

So, open your eyes and ears to absorb all incoming information, allow your mind to compute what you see and hear with what you feel, and then combine this with the information your heart and brain have stored over the years of your life.

Remember, whilst you’re honing this skill and even if you’re already highly intuitive, as some of this information processing takes place subconsciously, sometimes it may take a little while for the conscious mind to catch up.

We can all benefit from having the guts to follow our gut intuition even if our conscious mind is struggling to pinpoint immediately why our intuition is giving us a certain message. Those specifics will usually reveal themselves later on and then you’ll have that moment where you can back up your intuitive response to something, with several reasons.

So, whether you’re initiating a relationship or nurturing a relationship, also pay attention to what their body language is not saying to help you profile them, the current situation and your relationship. The lessons will be profound if you bring the mindset of a student.